Wednesday, 13 October 2010

analysis of graphs on previous post

The first graph is a pie chart pertaining to four of the types of music that our selected probable target audience likes. As we can clearly see a majority of our target audience is into the rock genre called metal while a minority of them are into the classical genre of music. Of the remaining two types of music which are on the graph the second most popular genres of music were Rock, and Indie. These two make up 50% of our target audience while metal makes up a further 45% or so of our the remaining 50% of the graph, and classical makes up 10% or so of the remaining 50% of the graph. This means that the same amount of people said on the questionnaire that they liked the rock and indie genres of music, and the least amount of people who answered our questionnaire said that they liked classical. Whereas the most amount of people who answered our questionnaire said that they liked the metal genre of rock

The second graph is a 3-d bar graph with triangular bars. The scale goes as high as four, and represents the elements of music videos which our target audience likes the most. The elements which the graph represents are performance, narrative, and low key lighting. Of the three of them narrative is the most popular with four, whereas performance and low key lighting both got 1's on the scale. This means that most target audience members in the area of the ages 16-19 prefer music videos that tell a story to match the lyrics or something similar rather than a video that follows a concept or shows the band performing the song. This also means that people in the area of the ages of 16-19 would probably prefer naturalistic lighting, and narrative or conceptual music videos rather than performance music videos.

Both of these graphs help Tom and I to know what type of music we should be using for the track in our music video, and what elements we should possibly include in our music video. Though Tom and I have already decided that we are doing a conceptual video with a rock track not a metal one. The reason for this being that by the time we got the results of the target audience questionnaire we had already decided on a conceptual video, and I can't stand metal music because it is too loud, and is nothing but people screaming.

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