Thursday, 9 December 2010

target audience analysis for magazine ad, and cd cover

We've had several good, and bad things said about our magazine ad, and cd cover for this project. One of the good comments was that our cd cover, and magazine ad tied in very well with our music video which is the thing that Tom and I wanted to happen. Another of the good comments we got was that the pictures we used for the cd cover, and magazine ad also worked well on their own as solo products which is something that will help to make or break a bands brand image. Tom and I asked our target audience via whether they thought our magazine ad, and cd cover tied in well with our music video. The result of the survey was over 50% of our target audience said yes while more people said they were unsure than no. This means that in light of the purpose of our product being to promote a new cd or album by an unsigned band our product is an almost resounding success in how it makes people think of our chosen artist.

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