My media product challenges forms and conventions of real media products which refer to the rock genre of music in several ways. First it in no way makes references to sex, alcohol, motorcycles, or violence. There could possibly be references to drugs in the video through the fact that the main character in the music video doesn't really seem to know what is going on around them or has gone inside their own mind which I think is a common thing with someone who is either into dope or is apathetic towards the world. Second contrary to the popular male image used for the rock genre of music our music video seems to be more based on our main characters emotions, and mind instead of how many bad things he can do, how much of a drug he can ingest, how many women he can attract, or how much alcohol he can drink on a motorcycle. Third if we were to use the feminist theory to interpret Tom and I's product I'd say that it in no way objectifies women, and therefore won't offend someone who supports feminism though this is largely due to the fact that the song Tom and I used as a base for our media products is an instrumental which gives us more leeway with how we interpret it in a music video, and cd cover. We can also say that since one of the people who made the music video is a girl there's a low possibility of putting anything in the video that is going to offend a feminist. Fourth the lighting in all of our products is very bright which is something not normally seen in rock and roll which is stereotypically supposed to be dark, or dimly lit though if we use the theory that is popullarly used in most paparazzi magazines which is the "star" theory we can say the use of bright lighting in all the products is meant to attract the audiences attention to the main character in the products.
My media product uses forms and conventions of real media products which refer to the rock genre of music in several ways. First it uses an electric guitar, and drums which are a typically used instrument in rock and roll. Second our main character wears a red hoodie which is a typical colour for someone interested in rock and roll which connotes in the context of rock and roll blood, or rage, though the hoodie is not a very typical outfit for someone interested in the genre because while it connotes some bad boy tendencies it really shows that your more of a poser than the real deal, which is something commonly seen more in people brought up in lower class environments where rock stars are stereotypically rich bad boys not poor ones. Third the text used for the ancillary texts is red, or gray which is a semi-typical use of colour for rock and roll along with black which connotes darkness, blood, rage, depression, and evil. Fourth the location of the main and ancillary texts is in the city which is a stereotypical thing for rock which is a genre of music which seems to connote the dangerous atmosphere of the city or urban landscape and lifestyle including drugs, women, alcohol, possibly guns, and motorcycles. Fourth if we were to use the Barth's theory for the narrative in our music video it would be feasible to say that our main character might be an "anti-her0" due to the fact that at first he seems to be on a quest to save someone, but near the end it appears he is looking for himself which could be seen as selfish or bad because of the fact that losing yourself in the first place is generally a bad thing.
My media product develops forms and conventions of real media products in several ways. First the main and ancillary texts are shot in the city which is a somewhat typical location for the rock genre of music because it has connotations or a reputation for being exciting with an ambient night life as well as dangerous. Second the front cover of our cd used a red and grey gradient which are somewhat typical colours for the rock genre of music, and show the personalities of our main characters the hider and the seeker in our video. That is to say like I said in earlier posts that our main characters are the seeker who wears the red hoodie and wants to stand out through his bright colour, and the hider who wants to blend in through wearing his light colour.
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