Wednesday, 15 September 2010

target audience questionnaire

okay for the past two or three lessons tom and i have been working on figuring out what the target audience for our rock group digipak would be. i think we decided on people in the age range of possibly 12 to 18 or somewhere around there. we have also been working on a target audience questionnaire so that we can get the specific preferences of our chosen TA down on record. Miss Davies recommended a great way to do this was to choose 3 snippets or clips from three different music videos from our genre or similar to our genre and show them to a sample group of our chosen target audience while handing out the questionnaires which we're currently figuring out the questions we are going to use. here are the eight we have so far. we originally wanted to go to at the most ten questions but can only currently think of eight

  1. Do you like rock music? yes, or no? if no what music do you like? Why?
  2. What artist/band is your favourite?
  3. Which type of music video do you like? Narrative, conceptual, or performance? Why?
  4. What emotions do you associate with your favourite music video or band?
  5. Please circle your age group. 12-16, 16-18, 18-21, 21-30, 30+
  6. this question relates to the method that Miss Davies suggested to Tom and I. Rate the 3 music videos just shown to you 1-3 with 1 being the best and 3 being the worst, and give reasons why you gave them that rating.
  7. What images would you associate with rock music?
  8. Tom and I are not sure we are going to use this question on our questionnaire because we won't be able to think up any concepts or ideas for our video until we know what track we're doing. Do you think the idea we just talked about for our music video is typical of the rock music genre?
These are the videos we might show bits of to our target audience though nothing is finalised yet

  • Fallout Boy- This aint a scene (This is an arms-race)
  • Bon Jovi- It's My Life
  • possibly a non-main stream group= e.g. Sabaton- uprising

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